上期我們談到一些頗具趣味的州名,這期我們還會(huì )看到更多有趣的原住民詞:


A native chief suggested to called themselves as Oklahoma. Okla was translated as people. And homa is red. That's red people.一位土著(zhù)酋長(cháng)建議稱(chēng)他們?yōu)镺klahoma,Okla譯為人群,homa就是紅色的,加起來(lái)是「紅人」。


The US Congress purchased the Indiana territory previously occupied by several tribes. Indiana was referring to the several tribes collectively in the treaty.美國國會(huì )從幾個(gè)部落買(mǎi)下了他們的地,印第安納就是條約中所謂的幾個(gè)部落。


It could be "big paw", "a mis-spelled river name", "a herb called big ear", or "hearing the water".奧勒岡州名的起源有多種說(shuō)法,並來(lái)自多種語(yǔ)言。它可能是「大爪子」、「拼寫(xiě)錯誤的河流名稱(chēng)」、「一種叫大耳朵的草藥」或「聽(tīng)到水聲」。


Texas was translated from native word as friend or ally to descrive the relationship among the four tribes. 德克薩斯從原住民詞朋友或盟友翻譯而來(lái)。

南、北達科他(South and North Dakota)

Before Dakotas were applying the statehood, they were two regions of people living far apart. When came to fixing the capital location, their emotions had boiled. Finally, South and North Dakota were admitted as two new states.在達科他申請為州之前,兩地居民住在相距甚遠的地區。因首都選址,兩地的人也沸騰起來(lái)。最終造成南和北達科他州的出現。


Maine could be called as main or mainland, which means main is to differentiate the mainland from the islands around it.緬因州應是大地或大陸,這意味著(zhù)它主要是將大陸與其周?chē)膷u嶼區分開(kāi)來(lái)。


Alaska means in Aleut-language means the mainland. In more detail, it is literally "the object towards which the action of the sea is directed".阿拉斯加在阿留申語(yǔ)中的意思是大陸。 更詳細地說(shuō),它的字面意思是「海洋活動(dòng)所指向的一個(gè)目標」。


Hawaii may mean homeland. Some said Hawaii was named after a Polynesian hero who discovered it.夏威夷可能是祖國的意思。有人說(shuō)夏威夷是傳說(shuō)中發(fā)現玻里尼西亞的英雄的名字。


美屬薩摩亞(American Samoa )

The source is uncertain. Samoa is compounded of "Sa" meaning "tribe people" and "Moa" which means "chicken" a highest-ranking titleholder of eastern (American) Samoa.薩摩亞由Sa(意為部落民)和Moa(意為「雞」)所組成,雞是指薩摩亞?wèn)|部(即美屬部)最高頭銜持有者的「家族」。

美屬處女群島(United States Virgin Islands )

Columbus gave them the name Saint Ursula and her 11,000 Virgins, later shortened to The Virgins, after the legend of Saint Ursula. 哥倫布將群島命名為聖烏蘇拉和她的一萬(wàn)一千名處女,後來(lái)縮寫(xiě)為 The Virgins,以紀念聖烏蘇拉的傳說(shuō)。烏蘇拉因堅持信仰和純潔而被殺,她的一萬(wàn)一千名同伴也全被斬首。

北馬利安納群島(Northern Mariana Islands)

The islands name was to honour Mariana of Austria, then regent of Spain.該島的命名是為了紀念奧地利的瑪麗安娜,她後來(lái)成為西班牙王后,再之後為攝政者。


Guam means a "place that has" or" a place of resources".關(guān)島的意思是「自給的地方」或「充滿(mǎn)資源之地」。

波多黎各(Puerto Rico)

In Spanish, Puerto Rico is a rich port. So ironic. It's broke.在西班牙語(yǔ)中,它是富有的港口。諷刺的是它破產(chǎn)了。

至此五十州的州名我們已全部了解,與外國友人聊天的時(shí)候,想必不會(huì )再無(wú)話(huà)可說(shuō)了吧。

◆康源 專(zhuān)業(yè)英語(yǔ)導師