◆警方解釋詐騙集團的犯罪手法。 資料圖片
◆香港警方聯(lián)同新加坡以及馬來(lái)西亞警方展開(kāi)代號「遙嶺」的行動(dòng)。 資料圖片




香港警方日前公布案情指,2023年年中,香港警方和新加坡警方發(fā)現有犯罪集團以網(wǎng)上購物進(jìn)行詐騙。該集團在不同社交平臺,例如Facebook或Instagram開(kāi)設虛假商店專(zhuān)頁(yè),聲稱(chēng)售賣(mài)不同貨品或者提供服務(wù),包括食品、旅遊、包車(chē)服務(wù)等等。當有市民與假店主聯(lián)絡(luò )欲網(wǎng)購時(shí),騙徒就會(huì )要求市民到WhatsApp平臺繼續通訊,在WhatsApp對話(huà)中,騙徒會(huì )假冒客服,發(fā)送一個(gè)非官方的檔案或超連結,誘使受害人下載並安裝App進(jìn)行網(wǎng)購。

該App中其實(shí)已安裝了木馬程式,騙徒會(huì )要求用家同意開(kāi)放該惡意App的所有權限,目的是令騙徒可以遠端監控市民手機。騙徒又會(huì )誘使市民在A(yíng)pp中輸入網(wǎng)上銀行理財登入資料,聲稱(chēng)是用來(lái)支付運費或其他雜費。

其間,騙徒會(huì )通過(guò)實(shí)時(shí)遠程監控,取得受害人的全套登入資料,繼而安裝偽冒成地圖的App以截取受害人一次性密碼短訊。





Scammers Use Fake Apps to Steal Deposit through Smart Phone

【譯文】A fraud syndicate has set up fake online shopping pages on social media platforms to promote special offers on food, travel and chartered buses, inducing victims to download unofficial malicious cell phone apps implanted with Trojan horse programs, so that they can secretly seizing control of victims' cell phones, then get hold of all the information of their online banks, including their security passwords, which can be used to steal the deposits of the victims without leaving any traces. More than 4,000 people in Southeast Asia have fallen into the trap of the fraudster, with nearly half of the victims in Singapore and Hong Kong losing more than HK$200 million. The Hong Kong police found that some of the Trojan horse programs sent by the fraudsters rented servers in Hong Kong, so they launched an operation code-named "Operation DISTANTHILL" together with the Singaporean and Malaysian police earlier and arrested a total of 156 people in the three places, including two backbones of the fraud syndicate in Malaysia.

The Hong Kong Police recently announced that in mid-2023, the Hong Kong Police and the Singapore Police discovered that a criminal syndicate was using online shopping as fraud. The syndicate set up fake store pages on social media platforms, such as Facebook or Instagram, claiming to sell other goods or provide services, including food, travel, chartered car services, etc. When a public member contacted the fake shop owner, they were told that the shop owner was not a member of the syndicate and that the shop owner was not a member of the syndicate. When a member of the public contacts the fake store owner to make an online purchase, the scammer will ask the member of the public to continue the conversation on WhatsApp. During the WhatsApp conversation, the scammer will pretend to be a "customer service agent" and send out an unofficial file or hyperlink to entice the victim to download and install the app to make an online purchase.

A Trojan horse program is installed in the app, and the scammer will ask the user to agree to open all the permissions of the malicious app so that the scammer can remotely monitor the citizen's cell phone. The fraudster will then trick the user into entering their online banking login details into the app, claiming that it is for payment of shipping or other miscellaneous fees. In the meantime, the fraudster will obtain the victim's complete set of login information through real-time remote monitoring, then install an app that pretends to be a map to intercept the victim's one-time password SMS.

As the fake program is too similar to the actual map program, the victim often fails to recognize the difference between the two and fails to remove the phoney map app. The victim remains unaware of the fraudster's actions when the fraudster steals the victim's bank details, transfers the victim's bank deposits, and then uninstalls the malicious program to destroy the victim's ID after the fraudster has gained access to the victim's bank account.

The investigation into the scam revealed a shocking number of victims in Southeast Asia, exceeding 4,000. In Singapore alone, the police recorded a staggering 1,899 fraud cases in 2023, resulting in a cumulative loss of over HK$197 million. Hong Kong also saw its share of victims, with 41 similar cases reported from September 2023 to April 2024, leading to a loss of $12 million. These numbers are not just statistics, they represent real people, like an 88-year-old man who lost $6 million after falling for the scam while trying to get a discount on a shopping website.

The Trojan horse program used by the fraudster group was purchased on the "dark web" and was mainly hosted on servers in Hong Kong and Malaysia. After in-depth investigations by the police in the three places, it was found that the renters of 50 Trojan horse program servers were two Malaysian men. The Malaysian police arrested two key members of the crime syndicate. In contrast, the Singaporean police arrested 140 people from 2023 to the present, and the Hong Kong police arrested ten males and four females (aged between 19 and 61), who were mainly puppet account holders. They are suspected of using 31 accounts to launder $34.5 million in criminal proceeds from February 2023 to April this year.

The Hong Kong Police have conducted digital forensics on the server controlling the Trojan horse program and have requested the relevant social media platforms to remove the fake pages involved in the case.◆ 琬琰